Understanding IBS and My Story.

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Last year I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
This is my story.

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Jeannine Dawson is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, working with people to find balance and harmony in their lives. She specialises in helping people identify clear aims and goals, and establish practical, day-to-day behaviours and actions … which will help to achieve them.



Katie Harris says:

Hey everyone :-)
Hope this video is helping – I have had a major breakthrough that may just
be of some help to all of you!!! Please look up the FODMAP diet and give
that a go :-) Huge differences!!! Merry Christmas x

RoyPhee says:

My GI medical specialist says I have IBS after conducting blood reports,
specimen tests, liver and colonoscopies, and quite frankly I’m pretty sure
I’ve had it for about half a year now. I’m age 21, and 2 months ago, I
literally can’t retain anything I ate. I have no idea whether there is a
cure for this, but it is a bit annoying to have to deal with chronic

Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family.

Katie Harris says:

Shannon: Aw hun, i’m sorry you’re going through this too, I am going to
make another video soon about hypnotherapy and also how I’m going now. It
does get easier, have you tried going gluten free? It really does make a

jackie Ferguson says:

I’ve had ibs since I was 17 and I have found cleansing coffee enemas and
eating Real food is the way to go. I’ve seen a lot of ppl get better from
ditching sugar gluten and meat. Eating tons of veggies and fruit. Coffee
enemas alone get rid of digestive issues. Ibs is an infection in your bolon
large and small intestine. It will not get better until you get rid of it
all!! Regular doctors only treat symptoms of “Diseases” they don’t go all
the way down to the root cause. So you do have to take a holistic look on
things yourself! If I had done what the doctor wanted at 25 I would be on 7
prescriptions. Which are poison btw! Good luck. I hope you all get where I
am. I suffered for years and I have found the solution. Ill video my first
enema this weekend!

Tameika Knights says:

Oh my god every time I get sick I spew a few times and it’s difficult to
eat things my brothers eat cause I know I’ll get bloated and then maybe get
sick for a week which , when I get sick it alternates from constipation to
diarrhea it is really bad it’s the worst thing I’ve felt in my life time
even worse then when I broke my cheek bone ! I feel sorry for everyone that
has it !

argosje1 says:

I was diagnosed with IBS at the age of 15 and at that age it was horrible.
i’m 21 now and for everyone out there i swear that it get’s better. The
reason i think it got a lot better with me was growing up and being able to
handle situations better. Another reason is also that you discover for
yourself how to eat and what makes it worse and what not. So in time you
take on this lifestyle that makes your IBS better. I wish everyone the
best! Hope my experience gives someone some hope that in time things will
be okay!

عبدالاله الفرحان says:

that’s very brave of u to show up and talk about this disease and glad for
sharing it cause lot of people do not know about it and the suffering it I
have been dignosed with this disease a year ago so annyoing lost weight
sometimes i feel dizziness i went to the gym to gain some weight by
bodybuilding i gain a few kg , after living with it for over a year i start
to adjust with i feel little comfortable now. can u mention the medicines
which help with it? Thanks alot

Mohit Chopra says:

hi i just worry before going out,and i had to poop on my way,sometimes in
petrol pump’s toilet,etc etc.

now what i do is i dont travel much but when i leave for office i push my
self to poop,till my bowel feels empty,doctor told me i am stressed thats
why and he has given me anxit 0.5 mg,ill be taking that from today,lets see
how it works

luckily i dont have any other symptoms,i am just worried i might have to
poop when i am out so …i hope that goes away soon,i dont wanna live my
life like this,i mean i wanna travel,i wanna go out and chill with my
friend,but right now i cant :/

luckycj08 says:

thank you for sharing. you are an angel, my dad is diagnosed with IBS and
we all don’t know what to do. my dad is already 69 years old and dropped 10
kilos already. we are so worried about his health and watching your video
gives me more understanding about this. we are living in the philippines
and we don’t really have so many access of therapeutical techniques for
mind, body hypnotherapy. could you please update more videos on how these
is done? I would like to give is a try to my father. thank you so much and
God bless you.

weegee2899- Gaming since 2012 says:

I’m on 2 medications and I still go from 6 to 15 times a day. One of the
worst conditions you could ever have……

Tiffani Alexis says:

I have been living with IBS for about a year now. It is so hard and I don’t
know many people with this. People don’t realize how complicated it is. I
am hoping they find something to cure or something to make it easier. I
can’t control my stomach and people don’t understand it. My friends don’t
understand what I have been dealing with. It isn’t easy talking to friends
about this because they can judge you.

Randomkillerqueen says:

I know the feeling. I was diagnosed at 7 years old, with the similar
problems. Now, at 16, it is getting worse, probably because of stress and
the menstrual cycle being awkward. I am now on a diet of no dairy, wheat
and gluten, but at the moment i am eating nothing because i find it
pointless as i constantly get ill after eating. At the moment i view death
as the only escape.

minoa shinane says:

had the same problem, the way to cure it is non gmo diet, cooked veges (not
raw) fruits, complex non gmo carbs, and all organic free range meat, water
and peppermint tea. You might also want to detoxify for worms, hope that

Staci Blodgett says:

I’ve had IBS for 10 years. Yes, 10 years! It’s horrible. I have to eat a
high fiber diet, can’t have a lot of milk, sometimes gluten triggers an
episode. I can’t eat fast because it’d trigger episodes. And after getting
some terrible food poisoning this past year, it’s only gotten worse. I do
take peppermint pills. Peppermint relaxes the digestive track (and makes
you smell fab) so if I knew something would give me stress, I’d pop the
peppermint and 45 minutes later it’s all good. I recommend peppermint pills
to anyone suffering with IBS.

Gary Phoenix says:

I’m suffering constipation and bloating , food stuck in my belly and it
feels awefull I take probiotic at first it works but its seem it doesnt.. I
also notice a swelling to the left of my navel it doesnt pain it just feel
sensetive at times

agent lockle says:

I’ve had years now and none of the things that my doctors telling me is not
work and that they make the friggin thing like all the medicines that they
try to give me all of this is going to work only works a tiny tiny bit then
couple days later I feel worse for some reason

aizen sosuke says:

i have IBS symptoms but i was diagnozed with OCD ??

Philip Mc cabe says:

Greetings from Ireland,Im 51,and have IBS for 5 years,trust me ,it is a
pain in the arse ,LOL. I am thinking of opening a chemist as i have so Much

TheBrokenFairyLights says:

I have all the symptoms of ibs, my parents don’t understand at all, they
say I’m making a big deal of it. I’m so sick of it, I hate it so so much. 

diana marin says:

Isn’t there a way just one way to get rid of it cause I can’t accept no I

Cece Riley says:

There is nothin worst than spend money on tests to hear some “kind” of
people saying : “You’re fine, it’s all in your head”.

Laszlo Vajda says:

Yeah, IBS is one of those things that is diagnosed purely by symptoms. I
have had so many tests for so many problems that have yet to be detected. I
have suddenly been a victim of SEVERAL diseases, all of which started at
exactly the same time… I mean like, the same exact morning, and all of a
sudden I had IBS, sciatica, nerve pain, heart issues… It was kinda fucked
up, BUT, usually for most people IBS gets better after a couple years,
which is has for me, and even better after I started taking meta-mucil. I’m
wondering if you’ve tried the same, and if things have gotten better since
you’ve uploaded this video. Best of luck to you.

Yes there is some comfort in knowing what is going on, but it can also be
frustrating when doctors tell you “You’ll just feel better once you know
what is going on.

No. I’ll feel better when I don’t feel like absolute shit… I have almost
no doubt you’ve been through exactly the same. I hope things are getting
better for you now.

You uploaded this video a bit more than a year ago… IBS gets better on
its own. It will never go away, but it will almost always get substancially
better. There’s no current explanation for this, and I didn’t believe it
would happen, but it did.

The fact it’s from stress is largely considered in the scientific community
to be a myth. Same as depression. Stress is a very unlikely factor to be
seriously considered.

If you are still going through this, which there is a very high statistical
likliness that you are, please try meta-mucil supplement. It will almost
certainly make a difference. Just read reviews of it online.

swprophet says:

I have IBS. I’m a guy. 25 years old. Have had it for more than 12 years
now. It is triggered by anxiety, stress, nerves. I can’t ride in a car with
another person, because that’s a major trigger for me, Also the thought of
having no bathrooms close. Food is not a trigger for me, I can eat almost
anything and I’ll be fine but I do prefer to stay away from milk/cheese. I
am drinking Loperamide (which is Imodium) 3 times a day, daily. It’s not
getting better. It’s messing up everything and everyone thinks that I’m
joking or they say its all in my head. I can’t do anything, I’ve lost so
many jobs because of it. The worst part of it its that it alternates
between IBS-D and IBS-C. I picked up the bad habit of smoking…. that was
the most retarded thing to do. It kills my stomach in ways I never thought
were possible. I know I can’t control it, but sometimes I do feel ashamed
’cause my friends want to go out and I can’t go with them and if I do all
hell breaks loose. Your bike trip train of thoughts its what goes through
my mind almost everyday. It sucks cause I can be at my house all day, for
weeks, months and nothing, but if I decide to go out or even think about
going out … you know… I hate when people make “jokes”about it, it does
stress me out more. It sucks having to know where the bathroom is, or not
being able to go because there is NO bathroom. I’ve literally crapped
myself twice (which is very traumatic and disgusting to say, but f*ck it I
said it). So I went to a doctor and told him all about it and he made a
joke which I didn’t find funny at all, he suggested that I start using
depends (adult diapers) as a joke.. I never went back, I already hate
having this I don’t need people, especially health professionals joking
about it. I have to drink Imodium 3 times a day for God’s sake, that’s bad
enough, I don’t need people telling me to “hold it in”. It sucks ’cause I
had a pretty good childhood and things were doing so great and then this
happened and now I feel like someone who can’t do things because this
ALWAYS gets in the way. Your video is spot on on the stupid things,
ridiculous things that people have said to me and it does makes me want to
kill them, like literally. I’ve had this for 12 years now, its not funny,
no I don’t want to hear your stupid joke, I NEED to go to the bathroom NOW,
it kicks in when I least expect it, etc etc etc. 

The Awesome Gamer says:

Thanks for the video. Luckily I have only had it for a month or so, and
school is nearly ending which helps! (Although during final exams, which I
have 8 of, each lasting for 2 hours, it gets really bad!) Luckily I am not
ashamed to tell my parents or anything, and hopefully I can get this sorted
out. A recommendation to anyone who recently started having this and is
reading this comment: Good! You are doing research and are on the right
track, but you should tell your parents or tell a doctor. Again, great

toilet Clogger says:

I have ibs and often times shit myself while at work, the gym, the local
pub. Its a horrible defrading disease. Although I do enjoy shitting on the
toilet for hours on end. Gives me time to read, meditate, reflect on my day

millie cubitt says:

I had it really bad but i hate tablets to stop it was so hard

MyYellow Couch says:

I really wish I could see a Hypnotherapist, however, the sessions are so
expensive. Any suggestions, Katie?

Mary Austin says:

I’ve been suffering with IBS since 1988. I was like you…..I went through
a battery of tests. I was put on the “rice diet” for a month. The doctors
were baffled. I was finally sent to a GI Specialist and he did a
colonoscopy on me. He said I had the worst spastic colon he had ever seen.
I’ve been on meds off and on since then. I pretty much know where all the
public restrooms are around where I live. I’m still looking for that
miracle cure.

Jeannine Dawson says:

Hi There, Katie has introduced me as the Clinical Hypnotherapist who helped
her. I have helped others with IBS among other issues and conditions. As
Katie said I combine Hypnotherapy, Body Talk and EFT in my approaches when
working with clients – in person here in New Zealand and by Skype around
the world. Check out my FB page http://www.facebook.com/jandjhypnotherapyeft and
also here is my website; http://www.mindbodyfertility.co.nz Please contact me if
you would like to hear more about how I can help you.

alensh maharjan says:

Thanks for sharing :) What types of food did you avoid??

ayesha Bismillah-Mohamed says:

love your video…. so glad ur better…
I have also lost a lot of weight, tummy cramps, burping, flatulence, rapid
heartbeat, dizzy and breathing problems….
I have been to doctors, had sooo many blood tests done, ultra sound,
hospitalised many times…
but all my results are clear..
I think I have ibs with sever constipation..
I am so tired coz I feel like im going to die very soon…
I want to try homeopathy or kinetic therapy

619WWEFAN says:

I have IBS too :(

I did a blood test that showed what foods / drinks I have the most
intolerance to. Plus I knew some others due to painful experiences.

Just by avoiding them, it helps me a lot. But i use IBS as an advantage
now, cause I consume less junk than my other friends, and i eat healthier
than they do too. Its great being thin and healthy nowadays :)

TikiShootah says:

so sorry to hear that, i myself suffer from diverticulosis. Horrid
condittion on its own, feels like somone is driving a shiv into my side.
How ever I was told by a doctor that your intestines Motility is is very
important. Was told that drinking more water (quite a bit actually) was
very important, next thing i know im regular. So i’d say try that. 

Laszlo Vajda says:

“The more you worry about it, the worse it’s going to be.”

OK, so yeah, stress does AFFECT it, but not cause it. Your statement is
certainly true.

Max George says:

Hey mate, neat videos! I didn’t know you’d started making videos, keep at
it, they’re awesome!

I would say that so much of our physical illnesses come from stress, it’s
amazing how much our physical and mental wellbeings interact. Good on you
for sharing your story and talking about things that people don’t like
talking about, that’s how stigmas die.

Woop Woop!


Adam Goulding says:

Your story is so familiar. Have sent you a message. :-)

Tazzy Wazzy says:

Thx for the referral Katie;) I met with Jeannine on Saturday and we are
making progress :) 

Laszlo Vajda says:

Holy shit, you tried more meds than I have. That’s insane.

Isabelle Cote says:

I have it too. All my life has been influenced by this and my teenage years
were the worst. I found out that I have IBS at 17 only! I had it really
hard. Now it is kind of ok because I take probiotics but its still there
and I have done hypnotherapy twice. I tried a lot of regims like gluten
free and I stopped lactose but its following me. I sinceriliy hope that I
will feel better with it and really enjoy life and I’ll keep on working my
ass off for my health. Stay strong people! Thanks for your video its
inspiring :)

Jay J says:

IBS, is the worst thing :(

its been like 2 years and yeah..still suffering lol

Raveena Sultan says:

Anyone suffering IBS please try Aloe Vera drinking gel! it really does
relieve discomfort from any stomach problems and gives you lots of energy ☺
if you’re interested please have a look here:

Hope this helps! ☺☺☺☺

Becca B says:

Im gonna be 14 and I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 12. Its terrible!!

bob Last says:

I know first hand how this effects a persons life and I am glad you are
better. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

diana marin says:

How do you get it because I want know how I got it

Eva Abaddon says:

It’s drives me crazy sometimes, thanks for sharing ;)

Ovy Licker says:

who said its caused by stress? maybe it just happens ..its kinda like u go
to bed and u have a mole that wasn’t there the day before it just happens

Ron Farrow says:

For another view on IBS take a look at Anna Richard’s blog post. Google
Anna Richards IBS

Esah Awab says:

Hi.. jus wanna share whenever im stress or tired my stomach will get
bloated.. n get tired legs , dizzy , scared and weak.. b4 tis doc ever said
tat im having ibs but i jus feel like im having someting else .. do all ibs
have to treated by medication? And to all ibs sufferers by reading my
comment , am i rily having ibs symptoms?

Breanda Mace says:


I know this is a really awkward one to ask, but I’m horribly
desperate..like..did you have any gas…? For me, I’ve had it for about 3
years and it’s really ridiculously horrible. The gas, I mean. Like no pain
or any acid. I’ve cut down on all meat, lactose, gluten, caffeine &
alcohol. And did hypnotherapy help?

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