Check out my best-selling ebook with ALL my BEST tips on health, positive mindset, fitness & weight loss: Take my 14-Day online course to lose weight & transform your life: Subscribe for daily [More] – 800-985-KANGEN Kangen(TM) is actually a trademarked name, introduced by the Japanese to describe the high alkaline/antioxidant water. It means “return to it’s origin”. Until Enagic began producing Kangen water with the LEVELUK SD501 [More]
Natural Laxative Blog – Natural laxative foods that will help you to boost your metabolism and to get rid of excessive fats and constipation. Learn more how you can improve your diet and lose [More]
Natural fast constipation remedy: get relief and cure chronic constipation quickly (1 min breathing exercise). This natural respiration exercise and do-it-yourself home remedy for fast constipation relief has been developed and used by more [More]
Why this unique program of healing your bowel and body eliminates constipation, in a way that “crutches”–diets, supplements, vitamins, drugs, exercise, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.–can’t. Misunderstandings about this condition are also covered, their understanding of [More]
Castor Oil Packs and Constipation
In this position there is a strong twist on the spine and abdomen. The right arm is pressed against the left knee and the left arm is wrapped behind the back, leading to an increased [More]
This is how ‘I’ make edible fake poop although I do not recommend eating this. 😀 Another video should be out later today not going to tell you what exactly it is yet but it [More]
Aloe Vera Gel is so good for Upset Stomach & IBS Symptoms. You can get it in Gel form or Juice both of them are great! It is also great for gas, bloating & constipation. [More]