Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn what causes constipation from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems and digestive disorders. Constipation is defined by [More]
Papaya is the best cheap home remedy for people suffering from CONSTIPATION & PILES, papaya should be eaten boiled in dal or rice for best result as shown in the video. The patient in order [More]
☛ For this public bathroom prank I used water and Nutella to create realistic looking diarrhea and got some hilarious reactions! Enjoy! ►Check out the rest of my videos: ►Talk to me on Facebook: [More]
constipated dog : Like their owners , almost all dogs will suffer from constipation regularly , some more than others constipated dog . In most cases, simple precautions and home remedies work enough to help [More]
Want to lose 5 to 20 pounds? Well, that’s what the average person is carrying around right now in the form of waste in their colon. YUCK! Those of you who go days on end [More]
IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) is an inflmmatory disease of intestines. The symptoms are Abdominal pain or cramping, Bloating, Gas, and Diarrhea. There are several lifestyle changes and home remedies that you can try at home [More] Con estos remedios caseros para la colitis nerviosa podrás aliviar tu colon de manera natural y en la comodidad de tu casa. La inflamación del colon o intestino grueso produce muchos malestares físicos y [More]