Want to lose 5 to 20 pounds? Well, that’s what the average person is carrying around right now in the form of waste in their colon. YUCK! Those of you who go days on end [More]
Dog Constipation. What to do if you have a puppy that is constipated or full of gases, it is important for your dogs health to go potty specially new born puppies after each meal, your [More]
Learn why you are likely deficient in magnesium and how taking a supplement may help you sleep better, reduce your stress, and get you off all your pills. Get advice straight from the doctor on [More]
Determining if a cat is constipated requires monitoring the litter box to notice any distressed behavior or vocalization while the cat is in its box. Have a constipated cat checked out at the vet’s office [More]
When a cat needs a laxative, a product called Laxatone is appropriate to feed them, as it is a mineral oil-based product that helps to loosen the bowels. Identify the signs of constipation in a [More]
Constipation refers to trouble with passing stools and it occurs due to disturbance in the digestive tract. Watch how you can treat constipation using natural ingredients available in your kitchen! Check other ### KIDS HEALTH [More]
1. Get whiter, healthier teeth An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. 2. [More]
http://kangen.com – 800-985-KANGEN Kangen(TM) is actually a trademarked name, introduced by the Japanese to describe the high alkaline/antioxidant water. It means “return to it’s origin”. Until Enagic began producing Kangen water with the LEVELUK SD501 [More]
http://squattypotty.com – Research has shown that the “Squatting position” for defecation can help you overcome many of our modern day colon problems. The Squatty Potty toilet stool is designed to wrap around your existing toilet [More]
How to beat constipation, IBS, bloating, stomach pain and skin problems while gaining more energy and a flatter stomach at the same time …