Leaky Gut and Digestion (constipation, acid reflux, etc.)

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Vaughn Lawrence, owner of Spirit of health in Overland Park, discusses why we have a digestive crisis in America and how to naturally overcome issues such as leaky gut syndrome, constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux To see additional videos, get educational health information, and buy the best health supplements, please visit us at http://spiritofhealthkc.com


Barbara Mowrey says:

I really needed this! Thank you and where would I get deer antler?

Alex Kareeno says:

So weird. I get a lot of burps when I eat bread but when I eat foods with
hot sauce I don’t burp. 

Kuljit Parmar says:
najor666 says:

The leaky gut topic starts at 50:32. Thanks for the vid, very informative.

truvision7 says:

My gut is so bad I cannot even handle bone broths or fermented foods due to
histamine intolerance. I also cannot handle many vegetable juices due to
oxalate intolerance and inability to digest a lot of raw fiber. My LG is
really the worst Ive ever heard of but there actually are many people who
have the histamine issues from leaky gut who cant go near gaps or fermented
foods.I can say from experience its pretty crappy when it gets this bad and
I have next to nothing to eat anymore.):

Bellion Satanas says:

what veggies and fruits would be the best for juicing if you have
constipation and an imflamed liver 

krystyna Dorocicz says:
felicity douglas says:

@amistad *I am feeling very fortunate that I have come across your site.
I have never felt this good for this long, since I have always had gut
issues. I am so thankful for the work that karen has done to give me back
my health, wellbeing and my size 3 again!*

Emily BH says:

I’d take the apple cider vinegar because it is a food but the digestive
enzyme is an isolate, You don’t want to become dependent on that so that
your pancreas becomes lazy and stops working.

If the truth be told, humans are the only beings that eat ANY kind of diary
after being weaned off Mother’s milk. I don’t think I’d EVER say ANY kind
of dairy, raw or not is “healthful”. (Actually, Robert Morse N.D, and
others say we are Frugivores as our digestive tracts are 98 percent
identical to primates.)

Also, it turns out even grains and legumes we should stay away from. They
are binding and clog the lymphatic system too.

Amanda Charlton says:

Hi what is the best stuf for healing gut? i heard about L-glutamine is any

mulligan828 says:

I’ve read hundreds of medical books over the last 10 years and seriously
agree with every word.. thanks for putting all this accurate knowledge into
one video!

TRI- VEGAN says:

What are your thoughts on the 80/10/10 diet by Dr. Graham?

Jennifer says:

This is amazing. Thank you so much :) 

Shelly Lopez says:

Should I add too, that to help with acid reflux too, is eating at the wrong
times! Do not eat before 8 or after 6pm.. this has helped me so much!! 

Ariane Amistad says:

*Here’s the 4 Key Concepts That You MUST Understand If You Are Ever Going
to Take Control of Your Health and Say Goodbye to Your Leaky Gut Syndrome

Jennifer Jones says:

sorry, is? he was an amazing doctor! his business was tatra herbs.

Jennifer Jones says:

Do you know who Dr. Zofchak

S ZEB says:

And is drinking Epsom salts good for cleaning out your gut instead of doing
enemas ?

TanyaRAW Troake says:

i had to take enzymes also betaine when i was eating meats and fdairy eggs
ect.. now im a vegan raw vegan when should i take the betaine since i dont
need meat now. i take my enzymes before my meals of mono meals ect

Sridevi Jagadeesan says:

Hi Vaughn,thats a good presentation.I have few doubts to clear in food
combining techniques.Most of the vegan foods should be eaten in combination
to get a complete protein source….for example wheat breads and lentils
are good combination for a complete protein ,also….most of the lentils by
themselves are a comnination of carbs,protein and fat. How do you address
this problem of food combining?Pls reply me as I always follow the
nutrition rules when I cook for my family.

mark park says:

i like this guy, thanks

S ZEB says:

Is drinking baking soda bad for your digestion? I’m assuming it is but not

Dan Ciranny says:

this is so depressing, ha

LeakyGutCureNatural says:

Very good information, thanx!

Maribel Rodriguez says:

This video is only for people who want to educate themselves on how to
preserve health through diet. Great information.

Snowden Che says:

I am a Indian living in western world, we are unpopular bcos we eat only
home made food, I dont smoke and booze so i am called antisocial, if i say
this i am a snob and i have i know all attitude, worse case i cant connect
with people bcos i dont do all this, or i dont have this bad habit some
even say wow what do you eat to live . I hope this video will show that i
stopped my white friends from eating slow poison i did care for them, This
video is awesome. The list continues….Good video this.

WorthyDan says:

Ok I listened to the whole thing it was great.

jesuisravi says:

Really, these idiotic comments. This is a GOOD vid.

Mari Hoeni says:

Thank you for this video! I wanted to ask you if liver flush is ok for
leaky gut (because the use of epson salts) thanks again

William Hunt says:

leaky gut is very real, and very serious. it began to affect me at age 15,
and i have been sick for 8 years and did not know until now i had leaky
gut. i have CFS, fibro, anemia, prostate issues, digestion issues, skin
diseases, chronic migraines and brain fog, rare autoimmune diseases
(tietzes syndrome), ear/sinus congestion all day every day, enlarged spleen
and liver toxicity, etc etc… i have been acquiring new diseases every

Brian V says:

same thing happened to me. FUCK THEM!

William Hunt says:

I am 23 years old, and now am stuck trying to repair my immune system that
has been destroyed in the last 8 years. I have been to every doctor known
to man with no success. they either tell me im crazy, or im healthy, and i
need to see a psychiatrist. The doctors killed my immune system from
overloading me with antibiotics, from birth. I hate doctors, they ruined my
gut flora and now I’m severely ill and am intolerant to everything. FUCK

WorthyDan says:

Too long didn’t listen.

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