Response To Matt Diaz 270 Ibs Lost, Loose Skin & Body Acceptance

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Light Yagami says:

Trying to ride the coattails of another viral video I see.

ObesetoBeast says:

Such an amazing story, it’s not easy to post something like that, I really
hope he gets the help he is looking for.

Rene Ulloa says:

Matt Diaz vs Jason Blaha 2015 Olympia Men’s Physique 

AyEoKaY247 says:

Still has a better body than blahahaha srs

Eric O says:

Why do you pause so often while recording

Mark Deaton says:

Why didn’t you just send this video to him? Sorry I just don’t understand
why people do this. Is it an attention thing? Do videos like these earn

andoverlaxer says:

Jason, I understand what you’re saying. Admittedly, you’re more of an
export then me, but I think his situation requires surgery ASAP.

Akbar Iqbal says:

Great video, its annoying that sometimes ‘loose fat’ actually looks worse
than actual fat. 

Ian Blom says:

It’s good that he turned his life around, good for him! But what I
sometimes don’t understand is how can you get to a point that you need to
drop 270 in the first place, cuz now/ If someone loses 30pounds people just
say/think ”O.. just 30 pounds” and that might be just because the person
decided to change his life around when weighing 250lbs instead of 400 (just
example, don’t know his bodyweight etc, dont hate on that) Anyway I don’t
really make a point here, cuz now sometimes it looks like he works harder
then the rest of us

Jonathan Perez says:

Hindenburg fat loss

tom mathes says:

Sure jason I know what the word “compares” means, why try to distract from
video by attacking. I have followed you a long time. Back when you only had
couple thousand subs. I followed through all the Layne trolling or what
ever you wish to call that but to me, this is over the top pathetic. Are
you seriously trolling this kid, trying to ride this viral video for subs
and views? 

JuggernautFitnessTV says:
Kevin Putnam says:

Just curious but has your strength been impacted since your cut? It really
looks like you have made great progress btw. 

Chris Bellville says:

Hey Matt if you see this I know I don’t have an avatar my b I use my phone
don’t own a computer and could care less about that but I was at 18 years
old 410lbs … I started a new job which required me to be pretty physical
and I was ” football fat” still able to run and do shit but just fat and on
the road to an early grave .. Because of my new job I thought I need to
lose a little bit of weight gain some strength to be healthy and make my
job easier … I then dropped over the course of four years down to 165lbs
at 6 2 so almost same amount of weight I had loose skin in my gut and legs
mainly …my arms filled out and there wasn’t any flying squirrel action
going on but my butt stomach legs and moobs were bad and for a while I was
still hitting the gym but I felt like you feel and didn’t think I could be
a normal person I felt cheated because I had worked my fuckin ass off
literally and I could not reap what I sowed … But then I said fuck that
I’ll just get bigger and stronger the right way and fill this fatsuit out..
So today I am 220 in the low teens bf percentage and the only thing left is
a small tiny little bit of skin on my lower abs … Your skin is an organ
that will adapt back to size natural rise in test from good eating and
weightlifting helps .., clean good food helps your skin and like Jason said
getting super lean and then building muscle will really help avoid having
surgery … The scars wasted money and downtime plus the fact part of an
organ is getting cut off scares me .., people cannot believe I was ever
that size they ask about where all my skin went it’s possible dood it took
ten years to get where I wanted and I am not a perfect specimen I’m not the
poster boy for an expo or a model looking guy … But I look better than
any of my friends I look better than anyone I work with I look better than
most people walking down the street and I’m bigger and stronger than all of
them not just physically but mentally as well so keep going dood get that
shit done in the gym fuck what everyone thinks keep your head up bro and
save surgery as a last option do whatever you can to avoid using that as
the way out I know it’s hard trust me I know swimming in shirts and all
that it sucks but at some point you will succeed because you’ve got the
hard part done it’s cruise control at this point you can get a little
leaner then build quality mass to lessen the severity of the surgery if you
choose that route 

Letuzfuk says:

Dang that guy matt is really sensitive. he said he likes multiple sexual
partners so that’s probably why it’s hard for him.

Don’t know if “keep being a warrior” is going to get through to this matt
guy. He’d be really well off if he was body building at this point and it’s
pretty clear he wasn’t realy lifting. adding mass with take time and help
the skin results improve aesthetically much faster.

tom mathes says:

Seriously you compare your loose skin to his? Are you fucking kidding me?
Are you trolling this dude? 

richw76 says:

I lost a lot of weight 5 years ago. Basically you will get as much
tightening as you will get within 6 months the #1 most important thing is
don’t yoyo. As long as you stay the same weight or go down further you get
as good as it will get. Adding muscle will help fill it back out some but
only surgery can completely fix. Then you have scars and downtime. I said
fuck it. I have some lose skin but I’m cool anyone looking that hard at me
isn’t gonna care. If they do I don’t care. 

Charles Thrasher says:

Jason can you put out a video on tips in tightening skin 

RandomDude says:

Matt Diaz has a solid 80+ pounds of fat left to lose, don’t low-ball it.
He’s still really fat, and whoever told him it is “excess skin” is giving
out terrible advise.

Alexandre Phinney says:

Back in Highschool I lost 50 pounds of fat and dealt with loose skin for a
while. Now it’s like 95% gone.
Granted I was younger so I bounced back more.
Great video Jason, well said.

lilwopaho says:

Where can I buy some of your shirts in the US ?

elmohasaposse says:

Hope this guy sees this, if you do, good luck on your journey, if you can
loose 200 pounds then 25 more is more then possible.

BluEN1111 says:

Jason does high bar PAUSE squats work your glutes more then the regular

Stephen riquelme says:

Legit thought Jason was gonna call this guy a phaggot for crying. Props

Jake Osborne says:

Great video! Ive lost about 110 pounds and I have bad loose skin. Its
getting better but i hope within the next couple years i look fine. 

Austin ryan says:

i actually saw his video yesterday and felt compelled to message him on
facebook and tell him to keep it up

Alvaro Jg says:

How don’t you look like that if you have lost 150 lbs twice in your life?

Rene Ulloa says:

Jason do you think that excess in loose skin can also be from not lifting
weights and just strictly doing cardio and cutting calories?

Turnip Patrol says:

Why does it seem like Americans who end up fat often do not have faces that
match their body? Anyone else noticed this?

Tony Marino says:

I’m someone who lost 100lbs three years ago, got real lean and gained about
20lbs back lifting weights over the course of two years. I can defiantly
say that this is not true for every individual. When I was fat it seemed
to all go to my lower gut and chest and was able to hide it with the way I
wore my clothes. My legs were thin, I wore a size 36 pants and was 260lbs
at 5’8″. I was one of those obese guys with a gut that sagged over my

My theroy here is once you accumulate that much mass in an area, and gain
massive stretch marks, and the skin separates from the muscle wall so far
for so long, it will never ever shrink back. My gut looks the same just on
a smaller frame. I still have a fold of skin I can stretch out. I do have
some residual fat in that fold, but I can guarantee it will not shrink
back. My arms are solid, but have stretch marks all along my inner biceps.
I can stretch the skin out paper thin there, and guess what? It never

I’ve seen guys who have lost 100lbs as well who have had no excess skin.
But guess what, when they were obese, their weight was distributed
differently. Everybody is different and nobody will look perfect. For me
I’m sick of fighting it and I’m getting the surgery done and moving on.
It’s not the end of the world, it’s something I want to do to reward
myself for all my hard work.

KyleP133 says:

I lost 100 lbs and had the same experience. The loose skin definitely
dissipates as bodyfat drops, and the last bit is the hardest to get. At 270
lbs… that’s quite a bit more extreme, but as you say, fitness is forever.
Just because he has to work the rest of his life to look the way he wants
doesnt make him any different than the rest of us who will spend decades
staying in shape to look the way we want.

DJc Breezy says:

Probably what Vince G will look like if he ever cuts

latro says:

It is actually quite funny:
you move to Texas
you are shit loads thinner

some kinda weird universe we live in, that or ye pussy hunting hah. Ye
looking Jason Blaha 2013

Fer 813 says:

While I agree that he still has some weight to lose, I don’t think it will
be that much (5-10 times) better. Personally, I’ve lost over 100 pounds as
well and it was obvious that I was going to have lose skin once I was like
12-15% bodyfat, but people kept telling me that it will tighten up if I
lose more weight. At the end I was roughly 8% bodyfat, stayed there for a
few months and then started slowly lean gaining to add some size to fill it
because the lose skin didn’t tighten up by itself. The best way to tighten
it up is to fill out, as much of his frame as he can, with muscles, imo. I
still have lose skin and it’s been like 18 months since I got lean and it
probably will still take another year to fill it up completely. He will
definitely need a surgery if he wants to get rid of it, there is no way
around it.

androidgeeking says:

As an overweight individual that’s been successful at building muscle mass.
I would recommend that anyone who’s overweight and has a fat percentage
much higher than muscle percentage to eat at maintenance and lift big for a
long time (no cardio). Your body fat percentage should be equal to your
muscle percentage or close to it before going into a deficit IMO/self
This may take months which is ok. Once your body fat is closely equal to
muscle mass than go into a deficit. I’m doing this now and it’s working

krinks35 says:

Loose skin surgery should be covered by all insurances. What is the point
of losing weight if you look worse than before?

Jan Janku says:

Jason, are your ancestors from Czech Republic by any chance?

Styrkr says:

All I can say is if this guy starts taking donations he’s smart to feed on
the gullible.

BigMac5 says:

From the link it says that he had lap band surgery six years ago. I did
not see anything about working out and proper diet. I really have a hard
time respecting people who resort to surgeries for weight loss instead of
addressing the real underlying conditions. 

ElefitTV says:

Great to Matt, think my guy John from ObesetoBeast had a huge influence on
him doing this. 

lex rad says:

Strong video my man. respect

Clobercow1 says:

Jason is absolutely right here. The guy can improve the lose skin
dramatically. He’s going to keep dieting down and that skin will pull tight
quite a lot. At the very least, if he needs surgery, and he lost all of
that excess weight, is that he surgery will be less invasive, and less
material will have to be removed. So this guy still has 30-50lbs to lose
for that skin to pull tight.

spawnie051 says:

All true about the skin. I went from 134kg to 83 in less then a year, and
that was 6 years ago, I still have loose skin all over. Every year I see
progress with the skin, it’s slowly shrinking, but I keep in aroung 15%bf
at most and during summer 12% and sometime even below, depends on my mood.
You just have to keep going like Jason said, and forget the skin is there
just accept it and don’t worry about it, it’s useless. Be happy with your
achievement and keep improving. 

saiyaniam says:

How is it possible to get rid of the loose/extra skin? I’ve never heard of
any techniques for such a thing. 

Health and Swellness says:

Good video, respect

Dimitri Vitalyavitch says:

That is a huge accomplishment, however didn’t he eat himself to being 270
pounds overweight to begin with? Unless he was bedridden, in which case I
retract my comment. What the fuck? Whats up with shoulder pats for fixing
problems that you, yourself are to blame for.

hulk says:

As somone who has the same issue as matt, I love the message youre sending,
but being realistic, his body is never going to be even remotely attractive
unless he has a decent amount of plastic surgery. It’s just reality. No
reason to give up though. Keep fighting Matt.

VikingStrong says:

this is 180lbs

Not very hard to show 😛 I fucked up before,
Turned in to Butter 75% bodyfat.
said fuck this shit, Diet or Die. 

GrizzaSMASH says:

In 2015, why are we asking that a man not cry? The guys who holding back
are the ones who are bitches. Pretending something they aren’t. Kudos to
Matt. That’s a lot of hard work right there.

Frank Zhang says:

very encouraging

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