Yoga For Digestion Flow

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Yoga Flow to make you glow, y’all. This yoga sequence is great for men and women post-holiday! Great for digestion and perfect for when you need a nice yogic kick in the pants. A full body work out for those winter months with encouragement to breathe deep and connect to something bigger. Get back to it with this challenging and swift sequence. Do what you can! Find grace and work towards ease in the twists and turns of this sequence. Rock a quick and focused abdominal workout and trust yourself in a freestyle dance at the end. STEP IT UP. Mindfully. Playfully. And repeat this practice weekly to tone the body, increase energy and become more flexible. For more info on REBOOT or EMPOWER visit

Music by Justin Sherburn–2
Intro music by Shakey Graves

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More yoga videos coming your way! Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss a thang! Recipes and other Yoga Lifestyle ventures on the Blog at Namaste!

Stay connected~
Instagram: @adrienelouise


Yoga With Adriene says:

Yoga Flow to help you get back into it! Sweat it out. Challenge yourself.
Work. It. Out. Have some fun! #YOGA

AllisonRebekeh says:

i have come back to this video like 10 times now! so in love with it makes
me feel amazing!! thank you love you! <3

Kathryn Pugh says:

Thanks for the video! Your videos always put me in a good mood :)

Jovanka Ciares says:

Digestion is at the corner stone of your health and wellbeing, with your
immunity being tightly attached to it. These yoga poses are amazing, thanks
for this!

Alan Reeves says:

Fell in love with this practice! Really enjoyed the vibe. Good stuff. :)

KayKay says:

Loved the fast pace! Made me sweat yet I feel so relaxed afterwards (:

sallyburger says:

great routine, thank you! 

dancingredstone says:

All of your videos rock!

Maria Ljungström says:

this was wayyyy TO fast for me :( i liked your winter blues vid better it
was more slow flowing and i also liked when you talked directly from the
room you do yoga in ….its more personal :) i actually got stress from
this one 

Mary Knauf says:

I have such problems with digestion and I have to be really careful. On bad
days (like today) when my stomach really hurts, I do this routine and it
definitely helps! I love all your other videos and am so thankful that I
stumbled upon them. They’ve helped me lose 25 pounds, but more importantly
they’ve helped me gain patience with myself :) Thank you thank you!!

Shay Shaghayegh says:

you are amazing. thank you for your videos. 

Jessica G. says:

Hey Adrienne! First off, you’re supercalifragilsticexpealidocious! <3 Or
amazing. Whichever compliment you prefer :)

Second, I just wanted to share that you have really transformed my life.
That sounds like quite the enormous claim, but it’s true. I never really
gave yoga a shot before. I was all into lifting weights and shoving all of
my energy into the gym. And when I say shove, I mean SHOVE. I felt that
expelling every piece of energy I had would result in the perfect body.

However, when I finally reached a body that I would’ve been proud of, I
found that I had no energy to celebrate. I had put so much time and energy
into an image that I thought I wanted, but when I looked back, I realized
that I was just burying a deep sorrow.

“I don’t appreciate myself, nor love myself.” I said that out loud. It
hurt, like a knife that found its final twist into the depths of my inner
core. It shook me.

So, I started a search that eventually lead me here. I’m not going to act
like I immediately took your messages and put them into good use. I started
practicing yoga through your videos a few days a week, but I still found
that unhappiness brewing deep in my heart. I took a break (nicer word than
‘stopped’) from any sort of physical activity for a couple weeks. It caused
me to further spiral into my self-anguish. “Why don’t I feel happy? What’s
happening to me?”

One day, I decided to just open up one of your videos on youtube and get an
exercise over with, like I used to do. But the strangest thing happened.

When in flat back position at the end of the video, I started crying.
Bawling, actually. At first I was at a loss. Why was I crying? Was I just
failing like usual? But then I realized:

I finally appreciated myself. I FINALLY gave my body and mind the love it
deserved. Throughout the video, I had stopped the negative self-dialogue
and focused on my strengths. I had stopped expecting everything out of
myself which would usually end in inner punishment.

Thank you, Adriene. You have helped a change that my body and mind have
been crying out for since I was a child. I can never thank you enough for

Namaste :)

Larry Taylor says:

broke a sweat, worked my core, but most importantly, connected with my
breath! this was an inspiring sequence! thank you +Yoga With Adriene 

Macie Jay says:

I love youtube yoga because I can turn my monitor off and avoid the
distraction of attractive instructors. This is some of the best verbal
instructions I’ve come across, my flow was constant throughout the entire

Sarah Rae says:

<3 Again Adriene, you fill my day with the enrichment that keeps me
positive and nourished! I did reboot and I love it but your emails and
youtube vids are a wonderful surprise! Just know someone in Portland,
Oregon is smiling and sending you love!

Tiffany Carr says:

<3 adding to faves for sure! such a great vibe, thank you!!!

Elva Vaivare says:

This one was the best yoga video on youtube. It was calm, flowy, i managed
to catch all the moves and… just feel grate! :) Thank you!

Kate Jackson says:

Loved this sequence :) xxx

Michelle Carrara says:

I have been doing your yoga videos for almost 9 months now consistently
(4-5x a week) and I must say this was the best one so far. I loved the
music, I love the flow, I love how I am able to regulate my breath with the
moves. It’s challenging but not impossible and it kept me going while
relaxing me simultaneously. This was invigorating and inspirational. I
will be coming back to it over and over again. Thank you so much for all
you do =) 

Nailah Rivers says:

just what i needed :)

Pascale F says:

adriene these are some awesome looking yoga panties

Christina Monjarraz says:

Loved this flow! Great for when it’s been a few days and I’ve been too busy
to get to the mat. Great way to reconnect with my breath and through my
breath to my body. Love your stuff Adriene!

Sara Peltola says:

I’m not the biggest one of (online) yoga classes and I find it hard to
follow the teacher, but Adriene, you are such a beautiful soul. I felt good
and relaxed the whole time and I feel like going for more. You are so
supportive, kind and talented – I appreciate you giving these classes for
free so much. Much smiles, hugs, laughter and love from Finland. x May your
week be blessed. :)

Patti Gough says:

That was awesome!

szb1981 says:

Word Adriene, my flatmate is away and most morning we do one of your
video’s! Was really missing her-but doing this practice this a.m has kick
started my day with an old friend-Thank you! 

Molly Kollier says:

just did this with my roommate! we loved it! stomach was upset beforehand,
feel better now. love your videos!

Cherelle Mitchell says:

Woooop intro and outro music back!!!
Thanks :)
Another great vid x

Andrea Zastrow says:

Hooray for new flow! Can not wait to try this out, thank you so much! 

sugardaddy69100 says:

You have the sexiest voice in human history 

Jen M says:

This felt awesome!!! Thankyou so much!!!!

mariana sawan says:

Hi Adriene !! Thank you so much for sharing Yoga practice with us!! Ive
been doing it for 2 months now with you, and i’ve noticed i’m stronger,
lost some fat and more flexible!
I must be very honesgt about one thing: ive always kind of “rejected” yoga
because of this “namaste” thing, an because it’s considered a spiritual
thing.]i used to do olympic gimnastic and dance when I was younger and now
doing yoga ive noticed that it is EXACTLY the same thing. I mean, the
muscles we work with are the same, the need to be present and calm.After
studying neuroscience I started to believe we can transform ANY sport into
a divine thing or an evil thing. If you do yoga but hating it, doing just
because you need to do it something and not having fun at all, you are
going to feel stressed anyway which will break your body down . If you do
any sport with the right mindset, you will benefit from it.
I think yoga is good for our bodies and self esteem but definetely not good
if we dont like it and dont find the beauty, the “art” on it.
Although Yoga is great thing, I prefer dancing because I find meaning on
it, I have fun and I think it looks beautiful , and I find peace in dance!
I admire those who love yoga, as much as any other sports!! As long as we
love it, do it with love and passion, it will be benefitial!
Thank you for sharing! 

Karla Rodriguez says:

Wow. This sequence made me burp a whole lot (not to be gross but clearly my
digestive organs appreciated it). I feel SO much better!

Kara Skye says:

I just found your channel- I had this video on a Pin board for a long time
– I should have checked this much sooner. I love it!! 

elie fernandez says:

I pooped after this.

Grade A yoga right here-uh.

NadineS1975 says:

Ah thanks so much. This was great. Just the perfect speed for me and my
breathing. Loved the flow and the warrior transitions. Will definetely go
back to this one and work on working in a few more of the more challenging
vinyasas. :-) 

4evrgirl says:

I love your videos! This is just what I needed!

kiki says:

where’d you get your shirt!? :)

Jennifer Hall says:

Adriene, this is one of my “Fav’s” so far! Thanks again for putting a smile
on my face!

Grace Wehr says:

I really enjoy how fast you go in this, its a perfect speed that starts
easy but becomes more challenging. It’s by far one of my favorite videos I
have seen of yours yet! Thank you for all of the encouraging words and
reminders during these practices. You really make me feel like I can do
anything in this yogi world and I’m really getting the hang of it! 

Simonne Martinez says:

This will take some time to keep up….lol

Beka H says:

Absolutely brilliant adriene, *mwah* exactly what I needed, since I kinda
slacked on my diet this past few days :( also, I really like how your
session for this week went hand in hand with your newsletter. Very
empowering. You are an amazing woman. I also would totally ask for your
merch for Christmas if you’re still making stuff 😉

P.s. I’m sure blue is very proud of you pushing.on! ;)

Agoraphobication says:

You are seriously the best. Going through a lot right now and this was
absolutely perfect. The way I felt before I began and the way I feel after
– night and day! Thank you so much <3 Namaste.

Turquoise Turtle says:

Adriene, this was great! It was very relaxing! I was a little stuffy before
doing this and now I feel great! Thank you. <3 

valerie noland says:

Girl! Exactly what I needed! I’ve been a little lax the past few weeks, but
after this beaut….recharged and refocused. And even a little sore. Thank
you thank you!! Love the music and checking into empower now. xx

Angela Beck says:

Just did this one with my husband! Awesome!
Big concern with the speed though; I caught myself looking up whilst I was
still in warrior to find you in a plank! He got a good sweat out of that…

You making t-shirts anytime? I’d buy one! *hint hint

Nicky Snelten says:

Loved this video!! Love the flow and the music! Made my evening :)

Ms. Alex says:

I just realized yesterday that not only do I love Yoga but someday I would
like to teach perhaps.

Alex Smith says:

You are always the best!

theprettylimon says:

I loved this practice! Made my heart pump!!! I hope you NEVER stop doing
this! These videos have really helped me. I needed someone like you! ;)

NatHarwood says:

That guitar chord sequence in the intro is sick and has been on my mind all
week which of Shakey’s songs is it?

Swell yoga obviously. Frequent visitor to anything lower back-related 

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