Yoga for a Better Digestion. Poses to help bloating and constipation

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Надя,спасибо Вам за то что привели меня к йоге. А поняла, как это важно. У
меня вопрос: я упала и у меня растяжение трицепса. Скажите , какие
упражнения можно делатъ,чтобы облегчить положение и продолжить занятия?
Заранее, СПАСИБО.

Laura Petrie says:

so relaxing :) thank you.

Sandra Muwanga says:


Eternal Odyssey says:

I enjoyed that, easy to follow and clear directions thank you.

C Kingdavid says:

you save me last night. I was in severe abdominal pain for hours, working
with a doc via phone w/meds called in. After doing your constipation
routine the blockage freed up. A miracle. Feel great this morning. A
holistic and medical miracle combined. Namaste so much.

Milena Stoyanova says:

Thank you very much! I will certainly give it a try and include it in my

Rayca Rayca says:

You’re very good. Looks easy enough to do. These exercises are different
from what I’ve seen. I can see these would be targeting digestion area.
Beautiful background. Thanks a bunch.

Cynthia Lee says:


TheAlexmercer360 says:


RashNnegligent Me says:

Can this be done in the morning before going to the washroom?

Crystal Bruckheimer says:

This helped soooo much. I’ve been dealing with bloating lately and couldn’t
digest the way my body needed to. I’ve never really had a bloated stomach
in my teens and I’m still under 20. but now it happening and this was
really needed for a cleansing. Thanks so much!

Jerzeegurl524 says:

Should this pose be done immediately after eating or wait 30 minutes after.

grace g says:

this is fabulous!

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